Why does my baby hump? Babies occasionally have the habit of laying on the ground or beds with their faces facing the floor. This is called humping.
They occasionally rock their pelvic girdle back and forth while in this position, which frequently can seem like a motion that adults make during sexual contact.
Babies’ pelvic thrusting is known colloquially as “humping.” Babies start engaging in humping at a very young age, and as a new parent, you may be unsure if this is normal behavior for a baby.
That’s why does my baby hump? It is a common query on online discussion boards. Simply put, it is common for someone to press their pelvis against a bed, floor, or other objects.
As a parent, you should know more about this. Therefore, we have prepared this article’s content for you.
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Table of Contents
Why Does My Baby Hump?
Babies humping is like a calming technique. They hump objects as a way of calming themselves. Occasionally, they might hump to aid in their sleep, out of boredom, or because they are hungry.

Children may find that humping draws attention to them. When you don’t give babies what they demand, they could do it to get more attention.
Babies hump things for various reasons, and it is essential to know why they hump and how to regulate it to prevent shame.
Also, keep in mind that babies’ humping is quite normal. Although you might be worried or surprised, humping is typical for babies.
Your baby may hump out of boredom or to soothe themselves. They are not masturbating, nor is it of a sexual nature. It may be embarrassing, but humping does not mean it is out of the ordinary.
Babies are incredibly wise, even when they are little. They can develop justifications for simple tasks like humping and are aware of a reward system. Perhaps the infant is humping to draw the attention of their parents.
You can watch your baby and note any potential causes for their humping and when it stops.
Try secretly ignoring your baby when they are humping for a while to see if they stop or if your baby is trying to get your attention.
Your reaction to your baby whenever the humping occurs may be what triggers your baby to hump if it’s a signal for you to pay attention.
Is it normal for a child to hump things?
“Why does my baby hump” may be a question you keep asking, and you may wonder if it’s normal.

Yes, this is entirely typical. Humping becomes a habit for babies when they realize how good it feels.
Self-soothing is used frequently for various reasons, including attention seeking, inability to relax, aiding in sleep, and other situations.
No matter how ashamed you feel, remember that it’s natural. Also, remember that you’re not by yourself because many mothers go through this phase too.
Why does my baby hump herself to sleep?
One of the reasons why your baby’s hump is discomfort, and your baby may be uncomfortable with the diaper. You may have positioned it too firmly, or it may be dirty.
Before putting your baby to bed, check the diaper to see whether it needs to be changed, choose more cosy clothing, or fiddle with the diapers.
A calming massage or a warm bath before bedtime may aid the baby’s relaxation and sense of security.
Massage increases the body’s serotonin generation, making the baby feel more secure and attached. As a result, once they are calm, the humping might stop.
Humping calms babies down. That is why babies may participate in humping to compose themselves before naps.
When a baby discovers a strategy to cope with stress or pain, they may repeat the action until it becomes habitual.
In other cases, parents may need to remove the object from the area where the babies hump before naps to discourage humping.
We can use physical contact to replace the humping behavior. Giving your baby a rhythmic pat on the back or hugging will help an upset baby settle down.
It may also be beneficial to read bedtime stories to your child, even if they are very young, to help them become more communicative while facilitating sleep.
Why does my baby hump when they are tired?
Your baby needs some soothing treatment to relax and fall asleep if she is tired.
To help your baby relax and go to sleep, you may, for instance, gently touch her back.
Your baby is humping now because she needs to calm herself. After all, no one else is doing it for her and despite how strange it may sound, massaging or rubbing the vaginal region with pelvic thrusts is a beautiful method to relax the body. Because of this, humping is not an odd action; occasionally, it is a wholly required activity.
Why does my baby hump the floor/ground?
Your baby humps the floor sometimes because of possible skin rashes in the pelvic area.
The genital and pelvic regions can experience rashes or allergies, and it may cause babies to hump to relieve their rashes.
In this case, using antibacterial wipes will provide your baby with immediate relief.
You can apply Aquaphor, which contains petroleum jelly, to prevent such a situation because it can more easily seal in moisture. It is highly effective for treating babies with dry skin.
You should immediately check your baby’s genital and pelvic regions if you find that they are humping the floor a lot or acting in any other way that seems incredibly strange.
If your baby has rashes, you can treat them with Bacitracin, a non-prescription-safe petroleum-based jelly.
Is your child humping objects after seeing anything inappropriate?
Although this one is less typical, you need an excellent way to handle it if your child is humping on objects. Perhaps it happens if your child enters the room when you have time with your partner, and it took time to realize they were observing because the door was open.
Knowing when this behavior first appeared can help if this is the issue.
For instance, if your child didn’t hump objects before now, and they then begin to hump things or people after noticing you and your partner in a particular position, this is the origin of the behavior in this instance.
If this happens, try not to feel horrible or humiliated because there are strategies to deal with this behavior and prevent it from happening again.
1. Don’t support the action
To be sure you’re not encouraging your infant to hump items, you should divert their attention when they start humping. You could divert their attention by making them watch their favorite cartoons, play with toys, or dance to their favorite songs.
2. Avert foreseeable walk-ins by accident
The younger your children, the less likely they will remember to knock on doors, but you can start educating them. Remind them to knock on entry while entering a room with the door closed because when kids get older, this will be useful.
Also, purchase a lock for your bedroom by installing a primary hook-and-eye lock which is very affordable.
To avoid this again, lock the door before you and your partner do anything unsuitable for toddlers.
What can I do to make my baby stop humping?
For instance, if your baby humps when hungry, you should start feeding her. Try to increase her feeding time a little if she is on a schedule so she won’t have to wait.
Also, babies that hump when weary occasionally stop once they are in bed.
When your baby humps in bed at night to help themselves fall asleep, it might not seem like a huge concern, but it can be embarrassing if they do it in public. You might wish to change this behavior to prevent looking foolish.
If your baby is humming objects because they are distressed, cuddle them. As a result, the baby may benefit from developing other self-soothing behaviors such as cuddling.
Remember that your child is acting normally, and you shouldn’t feel guilty since they are doing something that kids are known to do. You can try several things if you still want it to stop. They are;
1. Let them get over it.
This conduct won’t last forever. Baby humping is a form of self-soothing, a habit your baby will outgrow, like carrying a comfort toy or sucking on a pacifier.
This behavior may be embarrassing, but it’s not malicious. Although it may seem sexual to adults, babies do not understand what they are doing when they hump to relax, and you, as a mother, should not feel ashamed about it.
Like everyone else, they experience stimulation, and all they know is that it makes them feel good. Do not sexualize your baby for humping or any other comparable behavior because they are young.
2. Keep Them Busy
A simple cure like distracting them works well when you’re in public, and the behavior is embarrassing.
You can divert them from humping by being given a toy they like, being cuddled, or being occupied in another way.
If you respond this way each time they hump, they will eventually quit.
Be aware of your baby’s cues.
- Are they famished? You may give them a meal or a little snack if it is not dinner time.
- Play a game with them or cuddle up and watch a movie if they seem bored.
- Try massaging their back, stroking their hair, or rocking them if they’re worn out. They will quit the behavior if you soothe them since they won’t feel the urge to comfort themselves.
Many parents choose to divert their children instead of emphasizing training a newborn not to do something.
Shake their favorite rattle or ask if they want to watch their favorite movie when you notice your baby humping objects. This does not encourage the conduct but instead distracts them. Your child will cease humping once they focus on the new activity.
Consistency is vital if you want to halt the behavior using this successfully. To make it work, you’ll need to divert your child each time they engage in humping.
A noticeable difference might not become apparent for a few weeks.
3. Remove the object they are humping.
It might be helpful to take the object your child is humping on while they are tired out of their reach, or they might find something else. This technique might not work if they are humping the surface they are lying on, such as their bed, playpen, or couch.
Should I seek medical advice if the humping persists?
When you hear someone comment on your baby’s humping behavior, there is no need to freak out, feel nervous, or call a doctor. Babies rely on their instincts since they lack strong cognitive abilities. They are still young.
You don’t need to take your child to a doctor to assist you in intervening to stop the behavior before it takes on a habitual pattern.
Which steps must I take in a specific order to stop my baby from humping?
Mindfulness and patience are essential in other to stop your baby from humping. Spending more time with your infant will help you achieve this.
If they have younger siblings, ask them to watch the child while you care for the rest of the household. This behavior is not distressing. All your baby wants is your love and attention.
Further thoughts
Most of the actions your kid is taking now are only temporary because they won’t remain little forever. Avoid exhausting yourself by attempting to stop your toddler from humping. It is not abnormal behavior for babies, nor does it make you a terrible mother.