Does Cranberry Juice Make You Poop? Juice lovers answered!!!

Does Cranberry Juice Make You Poop? See experts’ advice!!!

Does Cranberry Juice Make You Poop? These have always been trending online for juice lovers. Cranberry is a fruit original to North America. The fruit is recognized for its bright red color, tart taste, and versatility for product manufacturing. The tartness of cranberry juice comes from its mixed content of polyphenols, including flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, and ellagitannins.

The liquid juice of the fruit is Cranberry juice, and it is generally manufactured to contain sugar, water, and other fruit juices. Low-calorie cranberry juice products use non-caloric sweeteners. There is also a “cranberry juice cocktail,” including about 28% cranberry juice. The remainder is from other fruit juice concentrates (commonly apple, grape, or pear), water, and added sugar to make it tastier.

According to Wikipedia 1, Cranberry juice comprises 86% water, 26% carbohydrates, and less than 1% fat or protein (table). A cup of typical cranberry juice, equalling 248 grams or 8 ounces, gives 107 calories and contains vitamin C as an ingredient to preserve freshness, with other micronutrients added during manufacturing.

Besides vitamin C and folate having more than 10% of the Daily Value, a typical cranberry juice serves no ineffective micronutrient content.

One-half cup of cranberry juice gives:

  • 60 calories, and
  • 20% of the Daily Value for vitamin C.

It also counts as one-half of a fruit serving toward the United States MyPlate daily nutrition guide.

Is Cranberry Juice Healthy?

Cranberry juice is an acidic drink. It has a pH of about 2.6. Some cranberry juice products contain large amounts of sugar used in manufacturing to make the drink more palatable. Still, their consumption may increase the risk of hyperglycemia and reduce blood glucose control in people with diabetes or glucose intolerance.

Cranberry juice can temporarily make conditions, such as acid reflux worse because it is mildly acidic. Some people find that cranberry juice leaves an unusual taste in their mouth or temporarily irritates gums and lips.

Cranberry juice also has a level of acidity (pH 2.6) that may erode tooth enamel. The British National Formulary and the Food and Drug Administration advise avoiding concomitant use as it may interfere with coumadin used as blood thinners, such as heparin ( used to slow down your body’s process of making clots), causing an unstable INR.

Despite long-held notoriety for giving antibacterial activity against urinary tract infections (UTIs), clinical research conducted by Cochrane shows that cranberry juice has no such valid effects.

A scientific panel for the European Food Safety Authority also concluded that a cause-and-effect relationship could not be established between cranberry consumption and the risk of UTIs.

What is the Nutritional Value of Cranberry Juice?

Cranberry juice has antioxidants, vitamin C, and salicylic acid in abundance. It fits very well among the dietary guidelines when it contains only 45 calories per cup. It also has 87.13 g water per 100 g. It also provides energy, protein, and carbohydrates. It contains iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, E (alpha-tocopherol), and vitamin K (phylloquinone).

Does Cranberry Juice Make You Poop?

Does Cranberry Juice Make You Poop? Juice lovers answered!!!
Does Cranberry Juice Make You Poop? The Answer For the Juice Lovers

There is minimal research on whether Cranberry juice can make you poop; however, because Cranberry juice contains magnesium that stimulates the muscles in the bowel, it can help increase bowel movement.

However, according to Health Briefly 2, to achieve these effects, one would need to drink no less than 7 milliliters of cranberry juice in a serving, which is not advisable when talking about health and practicality.

Meanwhile, Healthline 3 suggests that you consider other juice choices that are high in fiber and high in sugars that have mild constipation-reducing effects — such as lemon juice, prune juice, cucumber juice, apple juice, and orange juice — that tends to be a better solution for constipation than cranberry juice, as there is no much data available to suggest that cranberry juice can make you poop or not.

What are the Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice?

Cranberries are multifaceted fruit with an enormous antioxidant capacity than other fruits and vegetables, e.g., apples, broccoli, and spinach. Their benefits make them useful in food and medicinal products.

Cranberry juice has long been used for treating numerous illnesses. A cup of cranberries provides a total of 8983 antioxidant ability. Some health benefits of cranberry juice include relief from cancer, heart diseases, helps with kidney stones, respiratory disorders, and urinary tract infections. It is also beneficial to stop stomach disorders and diabetes, and gum diseases caused by dental plaque. Phytonutrients, naturally derived plant compounds, are present in cranberries and contain many health problems.

Some other know health benefits of Cranberries includes:

Urinary tract Infections (UTI): Urinary tract infections mean the presence of specific micro-organisms in the urine that exceed expected levels. These infections can evolve in the bladder and seed cystitis in the kidney to cause renal parenchyma or the prostate resulting in bacterial prostatitis.

Studies have revealed that cranberry juice contains proanthocyanidins that possess anti-clinging properties, preventing the bacteria from hog-tying itself to the cells on the bladder walls. These compounds counter these bacteria from increasing and also flush them out of the body by urination.

Research shows that frequent drinking of cranberry juice can help avert incessant UTIs in middle-aged women and pregnant women. Typical consumption of cranberry juice has also been proven beneficial for patients undergoing other hospital treatments against urinary tract diseases. However, cranberry juice is ineffective in treating UTIs once the infection is only a preventative measure.

Suitable for Obesity: Cranberry juice is rich in organic acids, which have an emulsifying effect on the fat deposits in our body. So, it is ideal for people who want to shed those extra kilos.

Aids Anti-Aging: The USDA scientists at the human research center propose that the richness of antioxidants and phytonutrients in cranberries play a vital role in inhibiting against the complications that ensue with age, for example,,, memory loss and lack of coordination. Cranberries have many therapeutic properties that protect the cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals that contribute to aging, making the skin look younger.

Anti-tumor Effects: The anti-tumor efficacy offered by cranberry juice is credited to the existence of polyphenolic compounds inside the fruit. Studies have proposed that often consumption of cranberry juice hinders the development and spread of cancerous tumors such as lung, breast, colon, prostate cancers. Cranberry juice holds a large amount of salicylic acid, which can help reduce swelling, prevent blood clots, and eliminate tumors.

Protection Against Tooth Decay: According to new research studies, cranberry juice inhibits tooth cavities. Proanthocyanidins, a chemical compound present in cranberries, inhibit the harmful bacteria from clutching to the teeth. These components forestall acid production and protect the teeth from periodontal disease by preventing the growth of plaque. Good oral hygiene and the consumption of cranberries disrupts the pathogenic mechanism of dental caries and generally make for good dental health. It is important to note that natural juice is always better because some commercially available cranberry juices contain high sugar content and acidity.

Fend off Respiratory Infections: According to conducted studies, cranberry juice helps prevent imminent strains of the Haemophilus influenza, a known cause of ear and respiratory infections in children. The juice hinders the bacteria’s hair-like structures, inhibiting them from adhering to the skin’s surface.

A word of caution to note before taking cranberry juice

Does cranberry juice make you poop? A video report from the Daily Digest (Sameer Islam MD).

Cranberries and cranberry juice presents numerous health benefits, with the exceptions pointed out below:

Warfarin (Coumadin): This is an anticoagulant drug used as a blood thinner, and it reduces the odds of blood clots occurring in the body. These blood clots can further result in severe conditions like cardiovascular disorders or lumps in the cardiovascular system, e.g., the legs and lungs. There are warnings that people who take warfarin should be wary regarding the consumption of cranberry, as they risk bleeding. Excess intake of cranberry juice is not endorsed for those people as it may alter the potency and safety of warfarin in the body. On such occasions, it is always advisable to regularly get your blood tested to consume the correct dose of the medication.

Aspirin Allergy: Cranberries comprise significant amounts of salicylic acid, which is also currently in aspirin. People who need blood thinners and are recommended aspirin should stay away from the consumption of cranberry juice in large quantities. Intake of cranberries should also be limited for someone that is allergic to aspirin.

Kidney Stones: Extracts from cranberry comprise a significant concentration of oxalate and calcium. Studies have supplied proof that cranberry juice can raise the level of oxalate in the urine by up to 43%. This heightens the possibilities of thriving calcium oxalate stones and uric acid stones in some people. Individuals who have kidney stones or account for kidney stones should ask a medical expert before devouring cranberry supplements or a large amount of cranberry juice.

Extracts from cranberries have been used to deodorize urine in some people who have complications in controlling urination, also known as urinary incontinence. The sections can prevent the urinary catheters from blocking and speeding up the membrane’s curative process around the stomach.

Some common causes of constipation

Constipation can be caused by a lot of contributing factors. Some of these include:

  • Taking certain medications: There are some medications known to worsen constipation. Medications such as: antidepressants, calcium channel blockers, opioids, iron supplements, diuretics, and some antacids that have aluminum or calcium. Always talk with your doctor before taking any decisions against these medications. Also be very observant of the changes in your body as you take them.
  • Phase of life: Pregnant women may likely have constipation as a side effect that comes through pregnancy. Also, older adults may experience constipation related to changes in their intestinal movement.
  • Medical conditions: Some medical conditions such as Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a history of colon surgery, or pelvic floor dysfunction, may affect how fast stool moves through your body, which may lead to constipation.
  • Lifestyle and Dietary factors: Some lifestyle factors of an individual may also contribute to constipation. When you don’t engage yourself with simple physical activities and some dietary balance, you may likely have constipation. You should always take frequent water and place yourself on healthy diets.

When to see a doctor (Take actionable steps to prevent constipation)

Research has proven that severe constipation can lead to intestinal blockage. So it is always recommended that you see your doctor if you have constipation that persists after you have undergone several known at-home care treatments for several days.

Depending on your body system, constipation is said to be chronic when you experience the following symptoms persist even after undergoing some home care treatments:

  1. feces odor on breath
  2. rectal bleeding
  3. black specks in stool
  4. inability to pass gas
  5. severe abdominal pain

The takeaway (Does cranberry juice make you poop?)

Unsweetened cranberry juice tastes slightly sour, but 2 ounces of cranberry juice diluted in 8 ounces of water is recommended for medicinal purposes. It is perfect for your general health.

Rumors have it that cranberry juice can help you poop if you’re constipated. But there is little research to prove this assertion yet. However, cranberry juice has many other health nutritional benefits, some of which include: reduced blood pressure, cardiac benefits, cancer-fighting benefits, and many others.

Cranberry juice builds up the immune system and helps to relieve stress. It works well for the skin issues like acne. Cranberries can be consumed fresh, dried, or frozen. Savor cranberries in any form you like, and also relish the wealth of health advantages you can get from this powerful little fruit.

Finally, to encourage healthy bowel movements, you have to begin with a healthy lifestyle. Always engage in regular physical activities, drink plenty of water plus other healthy liquids a day (your urine has to maintain a pale yellow color on regular occasions), always consume dietary foods that are high in vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain foods. First, try the home-care treatments for constipation while you keep using the bathroom every time you feel the urge. If symptoms persist after a few days, reach out to your doctor as soon as possible.


What are the common treatments for constipation?

Some common treatments for constipation include:
1. Lubricants, e.g, mineral oil (Fleet’s enemas).
2. Osmotic agents, e.g, polyethylene glycol or milk of magnesia (MiraLAX).
3. Fiber supplements, e.g, Metamucil or other psyllium-based supplements.
4. Stimulants, e.g, senna tea (Senokot) or bisacodyl (Dulcolax).
5. Stool softeners, e.g, docusate sodium (Colace).

The above are over-the-counter constipation relievers. They are used as short-term home-care remedies to relieve constipation. Talk to your doctor if you observers that you can’t have a bowel movement without taking any of the medications above.

Is cranberry juice used as a laxative?

Yes, cranberry juice can be used as a laxative. Your body needs water to make stool easier to pass; although research has no evidence yet to suggest that cranberry juice does better and effectively as a laxative than plain water.

Does cranberry juice make your poop red?

Yes, cranberry juice and foods such as beets, tomatoes, and other foods that are reddish in color can make your poop red.

Verifiable References
  1. Cranberry Juice as Published on Wikipaedia[]
  2. Does Cranberry Juice Make You Poop? (Health Briefly[]
  3. Does cranberry juice make you poop? Healthline[]

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