7 Mesmerizing Reasons Why Babies Sleep With Their Butts In The Air

Have you ever wondered why babies sleep with their butts in the air? Although cute, you could be unsure if this is safe or usual.

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Why do babies sleep with their butts in the air?

why babies sleep with their butts in the air

After months of ensuring that your baby is put to sleep flat on their back, You’ll check on your sleeping kid one day and notice that they are sleeping with their butt in the air. 

It can seem weird, if not alarming, when your baby begins to sleep on their knees with their butts in the air.

You may notice that your baby falls asleep on their knees more frequently once they can sit up and crawl.

Even if you put your baby to bed on his back, you may find him with his butt in the air when you wake him up in the morning.

The posture is also known as the frog position, which is fairly typical for babies between the ages of 6 -12 months. Your baby will most likely stop sleeping in this position once they learn to walk.

Sleeping with butts in the air is something that almost all babies do.

It’s easy to detect since kids naturally curl into it when they are newly borns.

It is how they spend their time in the womb, and newborn babies draw their legs up to their chest when they are first born.

Let’s look at why babies sleep with their butts in the air.

7 Reasons why babies sleep with their butts in the air

The following are 7 reasons your baby may sleep with their butts in the air.

1. They associate this position with being in the womb.

When your baby was in the womb, it was positioned similarly.

Your infant has never known a more cozy location than the womb. They can get some of that comfort by sleeping in the frog posture.

According to research, this could be one reason some babies sleep more comfortably in this position.

This becomes the usual for a newborn infant at the moment, and it’s why it gets irritable when it’s not in this posture when it’s awake, i.e., being held or wrapped in a sling. 

2. Your baby sleeps in this position because it is more comfortable.

Your infant will be most comfortable and convenient sleeping curled up on their knees with their buttocks in the air.

Your baby, like some people, prefers to sleep curled up in a ball. This position may not appear pleasant to you, but your baby thinks otherwise.

When your kids are old enough to sit by themselves, they will fall asleep wherever they are. This means they may let themselves fall forward, cuddle up where they land and sleep.

This napping posture is also low-effort, so if your baby is unexpectedly in need of a nap, they won’t have to move much to fall asleep peacefully.

Your baby will fall asleep in this position regardless of what you do.

No amount of moving them onto their back to sleep will stop a newborn who finds this posture comforting.

Some parents have reported waking up several times during the night to put their babies onto their backs, but their babies always roll over.

It’s best not to battle your infant if they prefer to sleep in this position, and you could potentially be disrupting their sleep by turning them over so frequently.

You know as a parent that you have to pick your battles, and this is one that you are unlikely to win.

3. Your baby’s muscles are tight.

Your baby couldn’t stretch during the 9 months it was in the womb because they’ve been surrounded inside the uterus for nine months, and as a result, your baby’s muscles haven’t been able to expand and are still tight from pregnancy.

Muscles develop as your youngster ages, and these ligaments stretch and relax with time, allowing them to sprawl out in postures more akin to those seen in adults. 

Until then, they’ll revert to the bum position they’re most comfortable with.

Our muscles have had time to relax and loosen as adults.

Adults do not sleep with their butts in the air because of this. Give it some time, and your kid may soon be sleeping in postures that are more comparable to your own. 

4. Your baby is learning to crawl

The crawling position is similar to sleeping with your butt in the air. Because crawling is the first step before walking, your infant has a natural affinity for this position.

Your baby will also begin to get more flexibility over their limbs at this point, allowing them to make themselves comfortable in whatever way they choose.

Many newborns will sleep on their fronts as soon as they learn to roll and flip over.

Therefore, it is necessary that you do not lay your child on their front to sleep and that they do so independently.

If your baby is sleeping in this posture, it may be their body’s natural way of preparing them for this new and exciting crawling adventure. 

Soon after your infant discovers how to flip themselves over, they will begin to explore the world of crawling.

This is an excellent opportunity to get plenty of tummy time.

Try putting some toys just out of reach to help that small brain think about the goal of independent mobility.

5. Helps relieve stress

By laying in this position, one can relieve some of the stress built up in the baby’s body over the day.

When used in conjunction with deep breathing, it helps replenish energy by increasing oxygen and blood circulation.

The fetal position is so deeply ingrained in our memories that it aids in the relief of stress and muscle tension in the body. 

It may seem strange, but it’s one of the most popular yoga poses to relieve stress. To some, the thought of stressed-out babies may seem absurd, but the sobbing does not appear anywhere.

If you’ve ever had a baby that cries a lot or one suffering from colic, you know how important it is for him to relax, and this is his best-kept secret.

After all, after a long day of sobbing, all he wants to do is lie down and go asleep as quickly as possible, which is something that every grownup can relate to. 

6. They associate it with being held or cuddled

This frog position occurs not only while the infant is still in the womb but also resembles how a newborn is held in his mother’s arms, close to the chest and safe. 

Kids enjoy imitating this position when they’re alone and in their beds or when they’re being fed.

The brain resorts to this position when a youngster is alone and has to self-soothe because of all the wonderful emotions associated with it.

This could also be why, as his muscles mature, your toddler has begun to sleep with his buttocks up.

7. To maintain heat

Tucking their arms and legs beneath their torso keeps them warm, and this position may also make it easier for them to pass gas. 

If you cover your baby’s butts in the air as they sleep, you’ll see that they ultimately stretch out and move around more freely, signaling that their frog-like stance was a way to stay warm.

Is it dangerous/unsafe for your baby to sleep with his butt in the air?

This can be quite harmful if your kid cannot turn over independently.

However, once your child can turn over on their own, you’ll have less reason to be concerned, though that’s not to suggest you shouldn’t be concerned at all because when it comes to raising children, there are numerous lessons to be learned.

This is a great time for your infant to learn to roll over. Your baby’s ability to roll from belly to back and back to belly must be developed.

Whatever parents do to put their babies in the optimal position, their babies will put themselves where they want to sleep, regardless of what their parents want.

Allowing your baby to do what seems comfortable and natural is necessary, but proceed with caution regarding this sleeping position because it can be dangerous while also contributing to a natural progression of crawling, walking, and other skills.


We naturally want to be involved in every phase of our children’s development, and we don’t want to miss a single moment of their first bath, first steps, or first words.

A baby curled up on its knees with its butt in the air is particularly adorable.

Enjoy this time appreciating how cute they are when they tumble over and cuddle up for a nap wherever they happen to be, knowing that this position is both natural and secure.

After all, they’ll wake up and be ready to sit up or crawl again before you know it, and your quiet time will be over.

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