Brown sperm is it dangerous - causes and treatment

Brown Sperm is it Dangerous? Causes and Treatment

Brown sperm is it dangerous? Well, let’s find out. Most mammals produce male reproductive cells, also referred to as sperm or spermatozoa.

With the exception of nematode worms, decapods (like crayfish), diplopods (like millipedes), and mites, all sperm are flagellated or have a whip-like tail.

In this article, we will provide in detail if brown sperm is it dangerous and whether or not you should panic when you see ejaculate brown semen instead of whitish-gray semen.

Sperm (Semen)

Sperm also refers to as the male gamete, is what happens during anisogamous kinds of sexual reproduction.

sperm (semen)

Having brown or red sperm is a result of the blood artery around the seminal vesicles may occasionally burst or leaking in a man.

Blood can leak from semen, giving it a brown or crimson color. However, if your semen is still red after one or two days, you should see a doctor.

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Brown sperm is it dangerous?

Brown sperm is not dangerous. However, if you constantly have brown semen for more than 2-3 days, then it might be a sign of infection, and you need to see a doctor.

Typically, men ejaculate whitish-gray semen. Depending on the food you eat, your activities, or how long it has been since you last ejaculated, you can notice tiny variations in the color and consistency of the semen.

Semen can also occasionally be pink, reddish brown, yellow, or green. Many things might induce bloody sperm, and these may include

  • STIs
  • Testicular biopsy
  • A swollen prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia – BPH)
  • Inflammation of the prostate
  • Brachytherapy
  • Epididymitis
  • Urethritis
  • Vasectomy

Depending on the cause, several treatments are used for variations in semen color. For instance, a male may require antibiotics if he has prostatitis or a sexually transmitted infection.

Men typically have a better understanding of the anatomy and the typical color of their semen. To be on the safe side, men should visit a doctor if their semen’s color or consistency changes or if they notice an unpleasant odor.

You should conduct a doctor immediately if you experience any unexpected pain, burning sensations, swelling, itching, or other symptoms.

How should blood in semen be handled?

1. If you have an infection, take antibiotics.

2. Pain killers: A drug called finasteride (Proscar), which is intended to reduce an enlarged prostate, can be used.

4. hemotospermia: in cases where the prostate’s blood vessels are flimsy or fragile.

5. Drugs to handle various illnesses.

Common Causes of Brown Sperm (Brownish Semen)

There are several common causes of brown semen; most of them are relatively benign.

brown sperm brown semen
brown sperm

Most of the time, blood in semen can be a reason for color changes, particularly older blood that’s been in the testicular area for some time. This is often caused by trauma to the testicles but can be due to other conditions, including infections.

Certain dietary habits can also cause discolored semen. Rarely, brown sperm indicates a more significant issue, like testicular cancer.

The common causes of brown sperm may include


One of the most typical causes of brown sperm is hemospermia, sometimes called hematospermia. Although a medical illness can potentially cause it, testicular or prostate damage is the most common cause.

Activities that impose pressure on the testicles, including riding a bicycle or a horse, as well as intense sexual activity, straining to ejaculate, or injuries, can all result in damage. Additionally, it might be the outcome of treatments like a vasectomy or a prostate biopsy.


Another common cause of brown sperm is tumors. Sometimes a prostate biopsy will reveal brown semen.

Brown semen may occasionally result from polyps or cancers in the reproductive system. Benign prostatic hypertrophy is one example of a benign development, but in other cases, colored semen may be a sign of prostate, testicular, or bladder cancer. The chance of developing these tumors is highest in older men, Caucasians, smokers, and individuals with undescended testicles.

Brown semen can have various common reasons, most of which are mild. Blood in the semen, especially older blood that has remained in the testicular region for some time, is the main culprit most of the time.

Although testicular damage is a common cause, other disorders, such as infections, may also be to blame. Brownish semen might also result from certain eating habits.

Rarely is brown sperm a symptom of a more serious problem, such as testicular cancer.

Why is my sperm brown, and what should I do?

Semen can occasionally be pink, reddish brown, yellow, or green, albeit this does happen occasionally.

While variations in semen color do not necessarily cause concern, men should visit their doctor if these variations last for more than a week or if they experience additional symptoms, including pain, swelling, fever, chills, or blood in the urine.

Most of the time, the causes of brown-colored semen are minor and go away by themselves. If a bad smell accompanies the color change in the semen, you should visit a doctor.

Hematospermia frequently goes away on its own. If you have persistent, unresolving hematospermia, you should visit a medical facility. Men should visit a doctor if they experience difficulties urinating or swelling around their prostate.

X sperm and Y sperm

X and Y sperm are two different types of sperm cells.

X sperm:

1. X sperm forms a XX zygote when it combines with the female’s X chromosome.

2. As a result, the X sperm results in a female offspring.

Y sperm:

1. A zygote with XY chromosomes is created when Y sperm combines with the female’s X chromosome.

2. As a result, the Y sperm results in a male child.

The solution to Brown Sperm

How to restore the normal (whitish-gray semen) color of your sperm? There are lot of solution to enhance sperm quality and restore the color to normal, like:

• Stay active frequently

Exercise raises your testosterone levels in addition to helping you keep your optimal weight. Regular exercisers have higher testosterone levels and better-quality sperm. Do not overexert yourself because this could have the opposite consequence: a decrease in testosterone levels.

• Reduce tension

Stress can reduce sexual satisfaction and have an impact on your fertility. The activity of the stress-regulating hormone cortisol greatly influences this. Chronic stress will raise cortisol hormone levels, which are harmful to testosterone.

Testosterone levels will decrease as cortisol levels rise. Find the greatest answer and the appropriate treatment for your illness by engaging in stress management techniques such as meditation, exercise, or counseling.

• Slender up

It is a good idea to start a diet plan while you are participating in a pregnancy program with your partner. To find out which diet is best for you, talk to your doctor first. Obesity can be prevented by losing weight. One of the causes of decreasing sperm quality and quantity is thought to be obesity.

The Health Signs in the Color of Your Sperm

Each and every sperm color has a healthy sign. The following are the health signs in the color of your sperm.

White, gray, and clear sperm

Sperm that is clear, white, or grey is a sign of health. Because there are so many sperm, sperm with this coloration typically have a thick texture.

Watery sperm, on the other hand, is the term for certain men’s normal-looking sperm with a liquid texture. A sign of low male fertility brought on by insufficient zinc intake is watery sperm.

Yellowish white sperm color

Age-related variables are typically to blame for this sperm color.

As long as you do not experience discomfort during intercourse or ejaculation, this condition is generally considered normal.

More variables can result in yellowish-white sperm color, one of which is eating an excessive amount of foods high in sulfur, like garlic, onions, broccoli, and bananas.

Green sperm color

Green sperm may indicate an infection, such as a bladder infection or a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

This is caused by the same factors that give sperm their yellowish hue. You will still need to exercise caution when it comes to the chance of contracting STDs from your sexual partner.

To determine the cause of your green sperm color, we advise you to speak with your doctor.

Red and brown sperm color

Fresh blood typically has a reddish tint. On the other hand, a brownish tint denotes aged blood since exposure to oxygen can cause blood’s color to alter.

Sperm that is red or brownish may result from the prostate gland sampled for a tissue before prostate biopsy or surgery.

The tissue that can allow blood into your urinary tract or ejaculatory tract is severed during this surgery. The sperm may turn crimson or brown as a result of blood that has leaked.

Erroneous masturbation can also cause your sperm to be red and brown.

Men who occasionally ejaculate frequently have bloody sperm. This condition can happen if you go a long time without having an orgasm or if you stop yourself from ejaculating.

Blood and sperm can mix when high blood pressure, or hypertension, is not managed.


Although changes in the color of the semen are not necessarily causing concern, men should visit their doctor if they last more than a week or if they experience additional symptoms, including pain, swelling, fever, chills, or blood in the urine.

Semen that is pink or reddish-brown may contain blood, a condition known as hematospermia.

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