Does fever burn calories? Yes, a lot of people ask this question. Fever is the body’s way of coping with the current illness it is experiencing.
With that in mind, the body works twice as much as usual to produce antibody cells to attack the virus, which tends to enhance metabolism and raise body temperature.
There’s a popular saying: “Feed a cold, starve a fever.” The idea is that eating can help you feel warm when you have a cold, and fasting can help you cool your body when you have a fever.
Unfortunately, that’s wrong; it’s supposed to be “feed a cold, feed a fever.”
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Let’s start by treating the cold. Eating healthy food is beneficial because it helps the body fight diseases, which burn calories.
Eating can also help the body produce heat. Adding another layer of clothing or going to bed can also keep you warm.
However, there is no need for overheating. The body can easily convert recently digested food into energy and efficiently convert stored energy fat. With that said, let’s proceed to today’s topic: Does fever burn calories?
In today’s article, we’ll discuss in detail the answer to the question: Do fever burn calories and all you need to know about “fever burn calories.” Read on to find out more!
Table of Contents
Why You May Have Fever
Fever, also called pyrexia, is an increase in body temperature above average, often caused by infection. The normal body temperature is 37°C. Minor fluctuations could also occur during the day and night.
The fever triggered by a bacterial or viral infection is caused by chemicals produced by the body’s immune system, which reset the body’s thermostat to a higher level.
Contrary to popular belief, the severity of a fever doesn’t always relate to how serious an illness is. For instance, meningitis, which can be life-threatening, may slightly increase temperature.
Most mild fever cases go away in a couple of days. Your immune system can fight off an infection with a mild fever (up to 39°C). Fever can cause convulsions in kids between the ages of Six months and Six years.
A fever of 42.4°C or higher, especially among the elderly, might permanently damage the brain.
Symptoms Of Fever
Here are the symptoms of fever:
- Headache
- General weakness.
- feeling hot and sweaty
- Loss of appetite.
- shivering or shaking
- Irritability.
- Flushed face.
- chattering teeth
- Chills and shivering.
- Muscle aches.
- Dehydration.
Now that we know the meaning, causes, and symptoms of fever, let’s answer the question: Does fever burn calories?
Does Fever Burn Calories?
Yes, fever burn calories. A fever is a strategy your body uses to enhance its immune response and burns extra calories to increase the body temperature, which increases your body’s basal metabolic rate (BMR).
However, you should drink enough water to prevent dehydration brought on by a fever.
Fever causes the system to become dehydrated because of the profuse sweating caused by the high temperature. Fluid replacement is essential to help the body fight the infection.
What To Eat To Reduce A Fever Or Illness
When you’re ill, one of the challenges is that you don’t feel like eating or drinking a lot. One symptom that frequently occurs with common illnesses is loss of appetite.
This temporal decrease in appetite can assist the immune system in focusing its energy on combating pathogens. Pay attention to your hunger signals, and know there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone.
While paying attention to your body signs is important, you should also be aware of your need to stay ahead of food and fluid.
If you don’t have much appetite, try to find ways to drink your calories to prevent malnourishment and dehydration. Avoid overeating because it might make symptoms like nausea and vomiting worse.
Below are some recommendations that can help promote recovery:
1. Chicken Soup
Chicken soup doesn’t contain magic ingredients that will immediately cure your illness. But, it is an excellent combination of healing foods, including minerals in the bone broth, hot liquids to open the sinuses, high-antioxidant vegetables, and spices.
2. Hot herbal tea
Hot herbal tea is soothing and contains nutrients that can strengthen the immune system. The steam also helps to open the sinuses while providing comfort. Try peppermint if you have a head cold to help with congestion. For overall immune support, echinacea and ginger can be helpful. Chamomile can help you relax and get a better night’s sleep if you have a fever.
3. Probiotics
Some individuals find it beneficial to avoid dairy to manage mucous production. However, having a little yogurt or kefir may also be helpful for the probiotic benefits.
These “good” bacteria are helpful to the gut, which may boost the immune system.
4. Juice
A refreshing orange juice is the best remedy when feeling under the weather! The vitamin C content in the juice helps support immune system function in addition to soothing the throat. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are other forms of juice that can help with recovery.
5. Spicy Foods
Foods that contain hot peppers and other spicy ingredients can help to clear the sinuses. Just be sure to keep Kleenex nearby while eating the food!
6. Electrolyte Drinks
To overcome dehydration, sports drinks and other refreshments can be helpful. These drinks replace the electrolytes lost through diarrhea, excessive sweating, or vomiting.
Drinking coconut water is a natural alternative that offers a variety of minerals without added sugar and food dyes.
Avoid caffeine while choosing beverages because it might cause dehydration.
FAQs (Does Fever Burn Calories)
Do You Burn Calories When You Have allergies?
A person with allergies expends more calories because of how histamine affects the body. Histamine release during an allergic reaction might result in “a low-grade fever, which burns up more calories.” However, there is a minimal fat-burning effect.
Do You Burn More Calories During Period?
Yes, you burn calories during your period but to a minor extent. On average, women burn 0.4 more calories per minute during their period than when they are not menstruating.
However, a rise in body temperature brought on by menstruation causes this increase. Additionally, estrogen levels may impact weight reduction and muscle composition during the menstrual cycle.
Do you burn more calories when sleeping?
Your body works while you’re asleep and consumes calories to maintain the health of the body systems and important organs like the heart, kidney, and liver.
However, just because something is little does not imply that it is unimportant—every effort to burn calories counts.
How many calories do you burn when you are sick?
The truth is your body absorbs calories every time you put food in your mouth. You eliminate less than 50% of the calories you eat if you throw up shortly after a large meal.
What body part causes a fever?
The hypothalamus. When the hypothalamus is set to a higher-than-normal temperature, fever develops. Small chemicals termed pyrogens found in the blood are typically responsible for this resetting of the hypothalamus.
Pyrogens can be produced inside the body (internally) or come from outside the body (externally)
Why do we lose weight after a fever?
Endocarditis develops when germs, such as bacteria, enter the bloodstream and collect in your heart. Most patients who have endocarditis experience a fever.
Elevated body temperature also speeds up metabolism and burns more calories, which results in weight loss.
How long does it take for your body to recover from a fever?
After one to three days, most fevers usually go away independently. A persistent fever may last up to 14 days. A fever that lasts longer than normal could be serious, even if it is only mild.
So, Does fever burn calories? Yes, but that does not mean you should deliberately become sick or prolong your sickness to lose weight. Focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle if you want to lose weight, such as getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet.