In case you don’t know, hip dips surgery is a thing, just like every other popular surgery out there. Read on if you just heard about hip dips surgery and what to learn more about, including how much it costs to get one.
Table of Contents
What Are Hip Dips?
Hip dips are inward curves that arise naturally under your hips and above your thighs. Hip dips are entirely natural and nothing to worry about.
Causes of Hip Dips
The structure of your pelvis causes hip dips. While not all would have visible hip dips, all of us will have a dimple where the hip bone reaches the top of the thigh is limited to a skeleton. It’s usually most noticeable in women with higher and broader hip bones. Hip dips are a standard part of the human body.
Hip dips are known as the ‘trochanteric depression’ in anatomical terminology. This indentation is due to the shape of your pelvis, and the form is often a result of having ‘high hips’.
For instance, if your pelvis sits up high and is wide, it could imply that there is a kind of a dip in the middle of your hip bones and where your thigh bone (femur) begins.

Are Hip Dips Normal?
Hip dips do not indicate whether you are stable, unhealthy, overweight, or underweight.
While having a higher volume of muscle mass or having extra body fat can make hip dips more visible, it’s important to note that hip dips are a part of your skeletal structure, and whilst you can improve your body shape through dieting and exercise, you can’t change your bone structure.
Hip dips (or an absence of hip dips) are often misunderstood as an indication of how well you are. On the other hand, hip dips are linked to the shape of the bones, which cannot be altered. Your curves, as well as your hip dips, would be entirely different from everyone else’s due to the uniqueness of your pelvis.
What is Hip Dips Surgery?
Hip dips surgery is a cosmetic procedure involving the redistribution of fat between the areas of your body. It is also known as the liposculpting procedure which involves the injection or removing fat out of the human body. This surgery focuses on getting rid of indentations around the curvature from your hips to your thighs.

As a chance, fats can be gotten rid of from the dip place to build a contoured silhouette. Additionally, artificial fillers or strong silicone implants can be used as a chance to fat grafts.
The surgery aims at filling the inward curves on the outer, upper thighs, just below the hip bone (scientifically called a trochanteric depression) that is caused due to a space between the hip bone and the femur (thigh bone).
To prevent volume loss with fat transfer or for situations requiring enough fat for a transfer, implants are an alternate option for correcting the chip dip. Lateral hip dip filling up requires alterable fat volume transfer based on patient shapes and size preferences.
Hip fat transfer is an exceptionally sensible option for anyone who wants to widen their hips while slimming their waistline. Surgery for hip dips Fat Transfer. For those who wish to attain significant fill of the hip dip area with implants, there may be a need for staging processes foremost to place an implant and to place larger implants to fill the area in a posterior surgery additionally.
It principally manipulates fat around the hips and shanks, and Fillers and silicone are also druthers. Side hipsterism dip filling up requirements variable fat volume transfer grounded on customer shapes and size choices.
Preferences for both side hips size and shape vary per age, ethnic background and individual requirements. Side hips dip filling up requirements variable fat volume transfer grounded on customer shapes and size choices. Thus it might be delicate to get relief of the hip dips through surgery.
How Much Does Hip Dips Surgery Cost
Hip dips surgery cost ranges between $8,000 and $11,000. 1. This Hip dips surgery price stated here is an extract from people’s review on RealSelf – These are real live persons who have had hip augmentation in the past. When talking of the price, they also put into consideration the place of residence, surgeon’s experience, and testimonies from past surgeries.
Hip dips surgery is taken into consideration as a beauty system. As the surgery is not covered by insurance, you’ll want to foot the system’s entire cost, including any anaesthesia or medical institution charges, by yourself. All these also amount to the price above.
Additionally, you may need to account for the time you want to take off from work to go through this process properly.
Clinical Procedure for Hip Dips Surgery
Hip dips surgery is an outpatient procedure and most surgeons will recommend that you should be put under general anesthesia before the surgery. Let us highlight the clinical procedures your doctor may likely observe during the process and important information to note after the process.
The 5 Surgical steps
- First, a small incision is to be made on the part of your body where fats are to be extracted from.
- Using a liposuction procedure, your hip dips surgeon will extract all fats from your body parts (they may choose to extract facts from stomach, buttocks, or inner thighs)
- After Fats has been extracted completely, the small incision will be stitched closed and then bandaged.
- The fat is taking into a machine that would spin off bloods and other fluids from it.
- Once the preparation is completed, the fat gets reinjected into your hip area. There are no stitches needed at the injection site.
After surgery and recovery
Please note the following information before and after undergoing a hip dips surgery:
- You can’t drive yourself home after a fat grafting procedure is completed on you. So do get yourself a personal driver on the day of surgery.
- You may experience some pain at the incision and injection sites for more than 3weeks after the surgery. To some, it may be less.
- It can take up to 6 months or more for you to start seeing positive result of your fat graft.
- It is also important to know before hand that no surgeon can ever give 100 percent guarantee for the result that you’re hoping for before the hip dips surgery. For so many factors, the results are not predictable.
- A research work published in the US National Library of Medicine, August 2017 2 confirms that your body system may likely absorb over 30 to 70 percent of the fat injected into your hip area during the hip dips procedure just after few years of completing surgery. In that case, you may love to have more fat grafting procedures in the future.
Who is qualified to get fat grafting procedure
Unless said otherwise by your plastic surgeon, you are qualified for liposuction procedures or fat grafting procedures like the hip dip surgery only if:
- you have never experienced a recent unexpected weight loss of up to 25 pounds or more. The doctor would advise you better after counselling.
- you are a nonsmoker with no prior history of severe bleeding conditions, weighs up to 30 percent of their ideal body weight, and have a very responsive skin elasticity.
- you have never had some severe dent in head that affected your mental being.
- you have never taken blood-thinning medication 3
- you have never been diagnosed with an eating disorder or other health conditions that may cause body dysmorphia.
- you suffer any type of bleeding condition. Talk to your doctor during the counselling session.
Common side effects after hip dips surgery
According to research, hip dips surgery just like other types of liposuction and fat grafting procedures have common risk factors to be noted prior to time. Although, they are relatively minimal risks involved with this type of procedure, unlike other surgeries. Here are some common side effects of hip dip surgery:
- scarring, bruising, and pain on the site of the incisions and injection.
- swelling and possibly mild bleeding in the area where fat was removed or injected into the hip.
- when there is an infection in the area of incision and injection, hip dips surgery may cause mild fever and discharge in the areas.
- fat migration or dimpling at the site of the injection.
Precautions to observe and Minimize possible side effects
To minimize all possible risks of side effects after observing liposuction, here are precautionary measures you must adhere to:
- First, you must ensure a licensed and experienced surgeon performs the fat grafting on you.
- Avoid the pool, soaking in hot water or bath tub until your surgeon approves of it.
- Keep the areas of incision and injection clean always to avoid infections.
- Do not engage in rigorious activities and hard physical exercises until your specialist advices otherwise.
- Always talk to your doctor of any possible reactions after the surgery.
How to find a board-certified liposuction surgeon
If you’re considering having the hip dips surgery, it’s noteworthy to find a licensed and board-certified surgeon to perform the procedure.
Go to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons online database to search for one. Type in the name and location in the search box and hit to search. This tool will provide you with lists of all cosmetic surgeons around your area.
Make your selections from the lists and request for an appointment (consultation).
During your consultation time, ask your potential healthcare provider all questions that may worry your mind. You can get insights from topics on this article and keep asking questions to get professional answers. you can ask questions about costs of surgery, recovery time, what to expect after surgery, and also request for the surgeon’s before and after results and photos of past fat grafting surgeries done.
Be very plain in answering questions thrown by your healthcare provider during the consultation period aswell. They may be asking questions like: if you have had past experience on any type of cosmetic procedure and may also request to know if you have any underlining health condition presently and even in the past, the medications you are on and other relative questions.
The healthcare practitioner may also recommend some hip dips exercises and diets you should observe before advising a surgical procedure. Below are some of the exercises you may try out and how to perform them to achieve better result.
Getting Rid of Hip Dips Without Surgery (Exercises)
According to research, the most appropriate way to get rid of hip dips without surgery is by exercising. Although exercising to increase muscle mass and lose body fat will help reduce their appearance, it will not eliminate them entirely, which is something to accept for the time being.
Focus on exercises that engage multiple lower-body muscle groups (such as squats and lunges) and supplement with isolation exercises (such as fire hydrants and clams) as required.

However, instead of focusing only on your glutes, make sure to strengthen your entire lower body. There’s more to life than hip dips, and the same can be said for your fitness.
Body exercise can assist you in getting rid of excess fat and constructing muscle inaccurate spots. This, in succession, can cut down the look of hip dips, and they toughen and tone muscles around.
- Hips
- Abdominal region
- Thighs
- Buttocks
A quick hack for stylish results always starts with the weaker side leg when exercising, which allows you to balance the benefits between the more vulnerable and more vital leg sides.
We suggest having two sects of exercise a day for starters and adding them in a step-by-step process. Since you’re starting, it’s all right to look at yourself in the glass and ensure your postures are accurate.
Make an exercise cycle, stick to it, and identify short-term and long-term pretensions. It may take many weeks before conspicuous changes protest.
To mention a few, some exercises you can engage in to reduce hip dips are;
- Side Leg Lifts
- Side Lunges
- Squats
- Side hip Openers
- Glute Bridges
Healthy Lifestyle is the Key Method to Reducing Hip Dips
Make every effort to take the requisite steps toward establishing a balanced lifestyle. You can feel better if you exercise, eat well, and take care of yourself.
Make sure you’re getting enough calories and drink plenty of water. Carbohydrates can provide you with additional energy to help you get the most out of your workouts. It’s possible that eating lean protein will help you gain muscle mass. Healthy fats, calcium, and fibre should be included in your diet. Sugar, tobacco, and processed junk food can all be avoided. Make healthy food choices, but note that it’s okay to splurge once in a while.
Working out other parts of the body will help balance out your workout routine. It’s essential to do a number of exercises to transform the body, and certain forms of cardio exercises should be incorporated into the practice. Maintain a consistent fitness schedule and incorporate physical exercise into your everyday routine. For more details, talk to your doctor.

Some Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I Have Hip Dips?
The form of the pelvic bone causes hip dips. You are not responsible for your bone structure; also, you cannot change your bone structure.
Hip dips are entirely natural; in fact, everyone has one, even if it’s not conspicuous. Hip dips are usually photoshopped out in newspapers and magazines, so you shouldn’t feel wrong about your body because it doesn’t look like those heavily edited pictures. Your body is beautiful and so are trochanteric depression.
How to Get Rid of Hip Dips Within a Week?
You cannot get rid of hip dips within a week, and if you have excessive fat in that area, you may undergo bariatric surgery. But still, have to keep patience and maintain a good lifestyle with proper diet and exercise.
How to Fill in hip dips?
Exercise is the key to success here. Follow the routine mentioned earlier and eat a balanced diet. Soon you’ll notice results.
Is it possible to get rid of hip dips without exercise?
You cannot get rid of hip dips without doing any exercise, and you may need more or fewer exercise sessions according to your body structure. But it would be best if you did some exercise, and a surgical procedure won’t help you much in this case.
What do Hip Dips Look Like?
These are inward curves just under your hips and above your thigh, and they look like an inward wave.
What clothes should I wear with hip dips?
Hips dips are natural and nothing to be ashamed of. It would be best if you did not hide them. Still, if you want to hide them, don’t wear tight pants or a dress. Try to wear something large and not that tight, which makes your hip dips visible.
It’s not compulsory to fix a hip dip. Due to a particular choice, one can choose to try and fix the cosmetic issue. As a matter of choice, there are persons who would prefer to have a more contoured silhouette, and will never bother to go for a surgery even if they have all the money in the world
You must learn to love your body as a woman rather than trying to change it. Positive tone- talk and concentrating on what you cherish about your body is essential.
Before you consider having a liposuction, try placing yourself on good dietary and hip dip exercises. If you didn’t see changes after some extended trials, you can then decide on whether or not, having the surgical procedure would be a better alternative.
While you have chosen to go for the surgical procedure, do note that no specialist would offer hundred percent guarantee on results you should expect. But it will do you good if you go with an experience surgeon who has prior before and after records of past hip dips surgeries with great results.
Verifiable References- hip augmentation, surgery price review by users on[↩]
- A research work on Procedure, applications, and outcomes of autologous fat grafting by Francesco Simonacci, Nicolò Bertozzi, Michele Pio Grieco, Eugenio Grignaffini, and Edoardo Raposio as published in NCBI[↩]
- May 20, 2021 on Blood thinners: Benefits and risk factors[↩]