What To Eat When Blood In Stool [Here's Our Top 5 Pick] 2023

What To Eat When Blood In Stool [Here’s Our Top 5 Pick]

Blood in the stool can be a sign of a problem, and the tone of the bleeding may assist in identifying the source of the bleeding.

People should be guided on what to eat when blood is in the stool.

For instance, a person may notice bright red blood staining or mixed with the feces if they are bleeding from the colon or lower colon.

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What to eat when blood in stool

It is essential to know what to eat when blood is in stool to prevent worse conditions.

food to eat when you have blood in stool
food to eat when you have blood in stool

The food listed below is what to eat when blood in stool:

  • Soft diet
  • Oligoantigenic diet
  • Probiotics
  • Fiber
  • Plenty of water

Soft diet

A soft diet can relieve this ailment right away and aid in the recovery of specific ailments and the relaxation of your digestive system. A soft diet does not include foods that are difficult to swallow or chew. Additionally, it excludes items that are hot, fried, or fatty.

You avoid meals that are difficult to swallow or chew when you follow a soft diet. To halt the bleeding and manage the condition, include foods like mashed potatoes, suji halwa, tapioca pearl kheer, and rice porridge when preparing your meals.

Oligoantigenic diet

An oligoantigenic diet, according to studies, may be beneficial for gastrointestinal bleeding. The oligoantigenic diet’s core tenet forbids all items that can cause an allergic reaction. You might not typically think about these foods, but they include chocolates, powdered milk, dairy, wheat, citrus fruits, almonds, and eggs.

Starting and maintaining the oligoantigenic diet requires a lot of dedication and patience because it can be very restricting. Discuss this diet with your dietitian and doctor first if you wish to start it to identify your sensitivities.


Probiotics help blood in the stool in Hindi. A probiotic-rich diet might ease digestive problems like diarrhea and irritated bowel syndrome, among others. Idli, yogurt, dhokla, kefir, pickles, and fermented foods are foods that promote intestinal bacteria health.


Numerous disorders might result in blood in the feces. Fiber is a crucial nutrient in each of those situations. It gives the stool weight and keeps it soft enough to pass quickly. By incorporating f, you can get adequate fiber, including fresh fruits, veggies, legumes, whole grains, and finger millet.

Plenty of water

Drinking enough water helps hydrate, detoxify, and alleviate bowel problems, which contributes to blood in the stool. Try to consume 10–12 glasses, or 2-3 liters, of water daily. Try buttermilk, lemon water, or detox water if you can’t drink ordinary water.

What not to eat when blood in stool

Confident meal choices might worsen illnesses, including acid reflux, gas, diarrhea, and inflammation.

foods that may cause blood in stool
foods that may cause blood in stool

Hopefully, avoid the following:

Oily, hot food

Because they inhibit the end of the esophagus sphincter from closing completely, spicy, fried, greasy, and unhealthy fats can cause chest pain and reflux, which can act as a trigger.

Foods that make the body more inflammatory

Evidence supported the idea eating excessive amounts of refined carbs and added sugar might lead to stomach irritation. Therefore, avoid things like white sugar, nectar, and fruit juices; only those flour, sweets, fizzy drinks, and energy drinks.

Drinking and smoking

Smoking and alcohol consumption can raise stomach acids and cause ulcers. If you have GI bleeding, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.

Food and drinks with a lot of caffeine

In some disorders, gastrointestinal bleeding can result from dehydration caused by caffeine, which raises the likelihood of constipation. Replace your tea, caffeine, energy drinks, and chocolate with decaffeinated green tea, ginger tea, herbal tea, freshly squeezed mint juice, buttermilk, and jaggery, for example, if you have a caffeine need.

Can diet cause blood in stool?

Blood in your feces can be concerning to see. However, frequent reasons like hemorrhoids and constipation are often minor and don’t require concern.

A wholesome, high-fiber diet can help you control or avoid your symptoms. Talk about dietary modifications with a licensed healthcare provider for the best outcomes.

Reduced milk or soy products, broth-based soups, herbal tea, fresh fruits and vegetables, and other hydration options are also available. Gradually increase your fiber intake to prevent adverse digestive effects like gas and bloat if you consume low amounts of fiber.

Foods that may cause blood in stool

Certain meals can cause red stools.

Foods like red beetroot, cranberries, raspberries, red food color, and processed foods with food coloring might make your stool seem crimson or tarry black.

Additionally, red meals that are only half digested might make stools appear bloody.

The items listed below may cause crimson stools:


The pigments or phytonutrients known as betalains give beets their deep, crimson hue. The anthocyanin family includes betalains, also found in cranberries and blueberries.

Because betalains aren’t always absorbed or digested, your food, among other things, might affect how your body metabolizes them.


A nutrient named ” lycopene, a component of the carotenoid family, gives tomatoes their color. The body’s capacity to digest lycopene can vary, just as betalain’s, and the pigment may not break down entirely until it leaves the body.

The amount of lycopene in a tomato won’t probably causes a difference in the color of feces.

Red peppers

Red peppers have a fibrous texture along with tomatoes and other fresh vegetables.

There is less chance to truly digestion and digest food when the digestive system is sped up in any way.


What is good to eat when blood in stool

People often ask, “what to eat when blood in stool.” Several foods are good to eat when you have blood in your stool. These can include Sweet potatoes and turmeric.

turmeric and sweet potatoes
turmeric and sweet potatoes

Potato sweets has choline, a vitamin that aids in reducing inflammation in the body. It is present in sweet potatoes in reasonable quantities. Regular eating of sweet potatoes may help to stop the bleeding.

While you can take turmeric in a pill, powder, or raw form, add this meal to your tea, milk, curries, lentils, or pickles to incorporate it into your diet.

You can also eat these foods when your blood has a stool.

1. Legumes: Some of them include beans, legumes, peas, soybean, peanuts, and chickpeas. They can lessen symptoms or aid in preventing hemorrhoids.

2. Whole grain foods: Insoluble fiber is particularly abundant in whole grains. Your digestion will proceed more quickly, reducing pile-related pain and discomfort. When attempting to lessen piles symptoms, including oatmeal in your diet is a sage choice.

3. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli: Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprout, mustard, bok choy, kale, radish, turnips, and cabbage are cruciferous vegetables.

What foods cause bloody stool

Other foods that causes bloody stool are

Milk allergy: Hives, upset stomachs, and blood in the feces are all milk allergy symptoms, especially in young children. Any food or drink that contains milk is a trigger. Therefore a person may want to steer clear of any dairy products and items that contain milk proteins.

IBD: Both Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are examples of IBD. Infection and ulceration in the bowels are symptoms of ulcerative colitis, which can result in bloody stools. Chronic GI tract inflammation, known as Crohn’s disease, can cause rectal bleeding.

Food poisoning: A person gets sick from eating contaminated food when they become infected. Some signs of food poisoning include stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and fever. You should see a doctor if you have bloody diarrhea.

Does Watermelon Make Your Poop Red

While eating too many watermelons may cause your feces to turn red, they are a great fruit to eat to beat the summer heat. You should not, however, panic when this occurs. The body can’t properly digest the chemical lycopene, which gives melon its red color, which results in a crimson stool.

After consuming copious amounts of watermelon, lycopene is mostly to blame for making you poop crimson. The chemical lycopene causes watermelons’ red color.


Some persons get confused about “what to eat when blood in stool” this guide explains that if a patient has a disorder that can result in blood in the feces, they might need to stay away from certain foods and drinks that could exacerbate the illness and increase their signs or bleeding.

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