can't stop crying

Why you can’t stop crying! When to see your doctor

Crying is a common occurrence in everyone. Although some people can’t stop crying, and others barely cry. However, there’s a lot we don’t know about crying, as some scientists also believe it helps to protect your eyes and are beneficial to your health.

Often you can catch yourself crying even more frequently than you would like, even without an obvious reason. It may seem that you can’t stop crying. However, there is no standard or a reasonable amount to cry since everybody is different. But paying attention to your weeping patterns, and how you feel about it, is something to note.

Being in a state, when one would say they can’t stop crying, can take several forms, such as being prone to tears quickly, or your tears become hard to soothe and cease flowing.

Also, the mere hint of anything that stirs up emotions can cause tears to flow for certain people, such as reading a sad book or attending a funeral. These can trigger emotions that cause crying in some people.

If you’ve ever cried when watching a movie or from reading a sad piece of information, you might have wondered if it is normal.

This article aims to answer the following questions:

  1. Is there a thing like crying too much?
  2. Why am I crying for no reason?
  3. Depression crying spells, the causes, and what can be done
  4. I cry every day, what is wrong with me?
  5. I can’t stop crying and I don’t know why
  6. And many likely questions related to “why you cry” that may be putting your mind unease right now. So Read on.

Do you cry too much?

There are no guidelines or a set range for excessive weeping. However, research on the topic “Crying behavior in the human adult” carried out by William H. Frey 2nd, C. Hoffman-Ahern, R.A. Johnson, D.T. Lykken, and published in ResearchGate in January 1983 proves that women weep 5.3 times a month on average, and men weep 1.3 times a month on average. The average duration of a crying session was eight minutes, a newer study found.

You should speak to your doctor if you feel you are crying too much as it may be a symptom of stress or a particular mood disorder. Check out this editorial on stress management for tips you can observe before seeing your doctor.

What causes people to cry more frequently?

Apart from getting an overwhelming emotional reaction, there are several explanations why you can’t stop crying. Tearfulness is also related to depression and anxiety. People often experience both of these conditions simultaneously. Certain neurological conditions can also make you not able to control when you cry or laugh.

Reasons why you can’t stop crying

You are depressed

Depression is a psychological state where you experience intense thoughts of depression for longer than some weeks. You can no longer be involved in things that you once considered pleasurable. Some symptoms of depression are:

  1. Sadness and gloominess
  2. Low energy
  3. Feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness
  4. Difficulty in concentration
  5. Depression may be associated with your crying if you:
  6. Weep over little things or have trouble figuring out why you’re crying
  7. Cry far more than usual
  8. Have difficulty suppressing tears

    Although when the depression is mild, heavy weeping would most often occur. And with extreme depression, people frequently fail to weep or show certain feelings.

You may have anxiety

There are situations where it is reasonable to be anxious or nervous. However, with anxiety disorder, you experience worry and nervousness more often, maybe even daily. The symptoms usually include:

  1. Irritability
  2. Difficulty focusing or concentrating
  3. Excessive worry
  4. Muscle tension
  5. Fatigue
  6. Trouble sleeping

Pseudobulbar affect

Sudden uncontrollable crying, laughter, or experiencing rage can be a sign of a disorder called pseudobulbar (PBA) affect. PBA is an unconscious neurological state due to an accident or trauma to parts of the brain that regulates feelings.

Also labeled emotional incontinence, PBA-associated erratic feelings sometimes don’t suit how you act or what you are feeling. PBA can be misdiagnosed as depression since the signs are identical. PBA often occurs in persons with:

  1. History of stroke
  2. Alzheimer’s disease
  3. Parkinson’s disease
  4. Dementia
  5. Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  6. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Your Gender and personality predisposes you to cry

Studies suggest women cry more frequently than men on average. One reason for this is that testosterone can inhibit weeping. Cultural values may also account for some of the disparities between men and women in weeping.

In addition to a gender gap, people who are empathetic and worried about other people’s health can weep more than those who are not. People who are insecure, anxious, or obsessed are more likely to be in experience situations where they can’t stop crying.

TAKE AWAY (Seeking help)

If you have depression or anxiety signs, or emotional reactions that don’t seem good, don’t attempt to wrestle it out alone. Consequently, mood disorders will adversely affect any aspect of your life. Such as, includes ties, work, or school. Also, making you more susceptible to physical diseases.

With care, about 80 percent of individuals with depression register improvement.

Depression and anxiety care can require both psychotherapy (talk therapy) and medicine. Additionally, self-care is also important. And, many people find meditation, relaxation, mindfulness, and exercise beneficial.

Medicines and therapy can also alleviate the effects of PBA
Talk to your health care professional about what you experience. You may be referred to a therapist or doctor who is trained in dealing with individuals with mood disorders.

In conclusion; In most cases, people can’t stop crying. Women appear to weep more than men, except in societies where it is appropriate for males to shed tears. Crying more than usual can be a symptom of depression or a neurological disorder.

So speak to your doctor if you can’t stop crying, and you are worried about it.


Is emotional incontinence the same as pseudobulbar affect?

Yes, emotional incontinence is another name for pseudobulbar affect. So they both mean the same thing.

What are the reasons why people can’t stop crying?

Some of the reasons why you can’t stop crying are:
1. Anxiety
2. Depression
3. Gender and personality
4. Pseudobulbar affect

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